
Taking the Pressure: How Demand for Marine LNG is Driving Sales of High Pressure Valves


In recent years, LNG attractive option as a marine fuel, which has been largely driven by Emissions Control Area (ECA) legislation and the search for cleaner fuels. It started with small ferries, cruise vessels, and offshore vessels.

Today, a much wider variety of new vessels are using LNG as their main fuel source. With the introduction of the MAN ME-GI 2-stroke gas engine, high pressure fuel gas systems (FGS) are becoming a more familiar sight in the engine rooms of a wider variety of ships.

LNG has characteristics that require a specific ship design and operation. As it’s only a liquid at cryogenic temperatures (-163ºC), LNG fueled vessels require special storage tanks, pipe systems, and handling. Renowned for its clean burning, LNG is very low on SOx, particulate matter, and NOx emissions, therefore it is ideal for ships that operate mostly within an ECA. Dual fuel engines are becoming widely used on LNG carriers and coastal vessels for environmental reasons. With these vessels it is possible to alternate between short-range travel on LNG and longer range journeys on diesel fuel.

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