© Anova
© Anova

A new era for Anova


When speaking exclusively to gasworld just six weeks after being named CEO of Anova, Matthew Toone made it clear that now is the time for new innovations, new focuses, and a re-energized company culture for the global remote tank telemetry solutions company.

No stranger to the industrial gases market, Toone has a strong vision for Anova as it looks to continue developing groundbreaking artificial intelligence-empowered technologies for historically traditional sectors, such as the industrial gas market, and carry on the company’s respectable 35-year reputation.

It could be said this is a new era at Anova, as with new leadership comes new focal points. Customer satisfaction and company culture are top of the priority list for the company’s new CEO, and he has a strong vision of what the future may look like for both in the industrial gas space and Anova as a leading player in the market.

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