
Air Liquide embarks on three-year H₂ partnership


Air Liquide recently struck-up a three year collaboration with Japan’s University of Kyushu by subsidizing an industrial chair to accelerate the uptake of hydrogen as a clean energy alternative.
The joint partnership was instigated by Air Liquide’s Research & Development team and will be headed in the University’s grounds. The work will focus on materials used for storing and using hydrogen and will enable international standards to be adapted. It is also hoped to reduce costs across the Hydrogen Energy chain.
Air Liquide’s Research and Development team is developing solutions to produce, distribute and store hydrogen. The department is also investing attention to the advancement of fuel cells and filling stations. Similarly, Air Liquide Japan participates in a project to demonstrate the ‘green’ hydrogen production chain using a 350-bar hydrogen filling station.
Japan is one of the leading proponents of hydrogen across the globe. It is widely agreed that hydrogen offers a successful short-term response to the challenge of obtaining sustainable transport.
Air Liquide in Japan was established during 1907 and now serves 15,000 customers across the region. The Firm offers particular specialism in Electronics, but is branching towards new technologies such as hydrogen fuelling.

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