
Air Products ‘honoured’ to supply Chinese firm SIEG


Just this week Air Products publicised an agreement with Shanxi International Energy Group Co., Ltd to work on the 350MW Oxyfuel Electrical Generation Demonstration Project.
David J Taylor, Vice President of Energy Businesses at Air Products, commented, “We are honored that SIEG selected Air Products and our technology for this study and pre-plant design. We have demonstrated at smaller scale that oxyfuel technology can successfully purify CO2 for capture. A project this large, being world scale at 350 MW, is the next logical step for the technology.”
According to the remit, Air Products will perform a feasibility study and reference plant design on its proprietary oxyfuel carbon dioxide (CO₂) purification technology for possible installation at SIEG’s demonstration project. The demo facility is to be located at SEIG’s power plant in Taiyuan, Shanxi and intends to purify CO₂ emissions for capture and sequestration or further use as appropriate.
The project has received backing from the US Department of Energy and China National Energy Administration under the US China Fossil Energy Protocol – Annex II: Clean Fuels; a strategy which is designed to promote scientific and technological co-operation between countries.
Air Products’ Taylor also advised that under the agreement Air Products’ study and plant designs would provide SIEG detail for both oxygen production and CO₂ purification needs, and both plants will be constructed to a world-scale size.
The agreement augments Air Products existing work on CCS demonstration projects across the globe, which range from operations in Port Arthur, Texas to Shwarze Pumpe in Germany.

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