
Air Products recognised on two counts of altruism


Air Products has recently been awarded on two counts. The Carbon Disclosure Project recognised its approach towards climate change, while the WateReuse Association offered its Award of Merit to mark the firm’s conservation of 62 million gallons of drinking water.
Awarded for attitude to climate change
The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) recently recognised Air Products’ approach to climate change disclosure and again named the company to its S&P 500 Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index for 2010. The CDP represents 534 institutional investors with $64tr in assets under management. The previously mentioned Leadership Index, compiled by PricewaterhouseCoopers, highlights the companies which demonstrate the most comprehensive approach to corporate governance in climate change disclosure practices.
Air Products is a constituent of the S&P 500 Index and among the top 10% of U.S. leaders in carbon disclosure. The CDP conducted an analysis of responses to its questionnaire, which focused on greenhouse gas emissions, reduction targets, and risks and opportunities associated with climate change. All told, more than 4,700 companies were invited to participate and disclose their climate change strategies.
John E McGlade, Air Products’ Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, said, “We are honoured to be included again in the CDP’s S&P 500 Leadership Index. We pride ourselves on operational efficiency in every aspect of our plants and have set aggressive reduction goals for energy and greenhouse gases. There is an ever-increasing need for the energy and environmental technology solutions we provide our customers today, as well as those in development. We continue to work closely with them to improve product quality and efficiencies in their manufacturing processes, while helping lower their carbon footprints.”
Examples of Air Products’ climate-friendly attitudes include:
• Enabling cleaner transportation fuels
• Facilitating alternate fuel source development
• Investment in the development of carbon dioxide capture
• Pursuing fresh opportunities in co-generation, waste to energy and biomass combustion
Recognised for water recycling
The firm has also been awarded the Award of Merit by the WateReuse Association (WRA). The accolade acknowledged the firms’ successful effort of conserving 62m gallons of drinking water annually, by converting the fluid to recycled water which is then used in the cooling process at a Santa Clara, California manufacturing facility.
Air Products was nominated by the City of Santa Clara and constitutes one of the largest of 550 customers connected to the South bay Water Recycling water line. This infrastructure preserves valuable drinking water by distributing recycled water for non-drinking purposes.
Presentation of the award was made during the 25th Annual WateRuse Symposium at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington. Air Products has set goals for reducing water consumption within its own operations and continues to identify ways to optimise water use – eliminating waste, increasing recycling and reuse, and finding opportunities to offset water withdrawals which supply for reclaimed sources.
For over 30 years, Air Products also has been providing its customers with solutions for treating water and wastewater. The firm offers equipment and services under its subsidiary, Halia™.

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