
Air Products signs Malaysian PV supply contract


Air Products has signed a contract to supply Malaysia’s photovoltaic market with a turnkey contract. In doing so the firm has galvanised its standing as a global PV supplier.
Yesterday, the American firm announced that it is set to provide SunSource™ Solutions gases, equipment and services to a global photovoltaic (PV) manufacturer in Malaysia. The supply agreement includes bulk and speciality gases, speciality chemicals, and related gas distribution equipment to support the client’s new crystalline PV facility in Melaka, Malaysia.
In particular, the contract involves the supply of on-site nitrogen, hydrogen, argon and oxygen, speciality gases such as silane, ammonia and nitrogen trifluoride. Corning Painter, Vice President and General Manager of Global Electronics for Air Products, commented, “Air Products is very excited to be the gas supplier of a leader in crystalline photovoltaics which represents the highest efficiency, high volume photovoltaic technology.”
The Melaka based solar cell manufacturing plant aims to offer an annual capacity of more than 1 Gigawatt of cells by 2012. Painter added, “The Malaysia PV plant will be a core element of the customer’s technology and manufacturing roadmap to achieve lower cost and reach the goal of grid parity. Air Products is committed to developing alternative energy markets. Our expertise and complete turnkey offerings help our customers around the world reduce cost per watt and achieve a fast ramp-up.”
The customer is listed on the US Nasdaq and designs, manufactures and installs high-efficiency crystalline solar module technology worldwide. The company owns and operates two other PV plants in the Philippines and houses both its headquarters and R&D facility in San Jose, California.
Air Products’ SunSource™ Solutions are used in a wide range of PV technologies. Furthermore, the Company’s long-standing history serving the semiconductor and thin-film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD) industries makes Air Products well suited to support its customers’ drive to grid parity.

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