
AQE 2018 seminar on Clean Air Zones


The Air Quality and Emissions event (AQE) 2018 will include a seminar organised by trade body EIC focusing on solutions for the management and delivery of Clean Air Zones (CAZs) next month.

Held in Telford from 21st to 22nd November, UK, AQE 2018 will be the 10th in a series of Air Quality & Emissions events focusing on industrial emissions to air and ambient air quality.

CAZs are a major part of the government’s plans to ensure compliance with EU limit values for NOx pollution and twelve cities are currently actively considering introducing a CAZ.

While CAZs are likely to have a common framework, the details will vary city by city and the seminar will explore the issues that local authorities will need to consider in setting up the Zones and the technologies in the market which could be used to meet the requirements set for them.

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