
AWD releases exhibition and conference dates


The Association of Welding Distribution has announced dates for the 2nd Welding World Exhibition and its 37th AGM and Conference.
Both events will take place at Crewe Hall in Cheshire, United Kingdom between 8th and 10th April 2011. The Welding World Exhibition is a day-long event scheduled for Friday 8th April 2011 in which manufacturers and distributors will exhibit a broad range of welding and cutting equipment, consumables, health and safety equipment, process gases and other associated products.
The 2011 event marks the second exhibition of its kind in the world. Adrian Hawkins, AWD Vice Chair, commented, “We had a positive reaction to the pilot event held last year and the AWD has agreed to continue and develop the event further as it is the only event of its type in the UK market, where welding equipment and consumables manufacturers and distributors are able to exhibit their products under one roof.”
Hawkins added, “We had a positive reaction to the pilot event held last year and for 2011 we have already received a lot of interest and are expecting more exhibitors for this one day event that runs alongside our AGM and Conference.”
Readers in need of extra information are encouraged to contact the AWD Conference and Exhibition department by email at [email protected]

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