
China: Capacity build-out continues


China is one of the main growth markets for Tier One players globally, with no individual company commanding a dominant market share in 2016. In recent weeks, a number of companies have been expanding their capacities in the country.

In 2016, the Chinese industrial gas market was the second largest global market after the US. The market was dominated by several independent producers and distributors, with these companies accounting for just under half of all commercial revenues. In terms of Tier One companies, Linde and Air Liquide were the largest players in China, with revenues of approximately $1.4bn and $1.3bn, respectively.

Air Liquide

Air Liquide has been especially active in signing new contracts in China. For example, the company recently signed new supply contracts with three major Chinese fibre optics manufacturers that will span a period of 10-15 years.

Under the terms of these new contracts with Futong Group Communication Technology, Yangtze Optical Fibre, and Zhongtian Technology Fine materials, Air Liquide will supply a total of more than 6,000Nm3 per hour of hydrogen (H2) and 4,000Nm3 per hour of nitrogen (N2), together with bulk oxygen (O2), helium (He), argon (Ar) and carbon dioxide (CO2).

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