
Clarkson: Dry ice now a mission critical industry


Dry ice operations have pivoted from traditional market channels to a mission critical industry, Patty Clarkson, Analox Americas President told gasworld’s latest Capturing Carbon Trends webinar, sponsors by Cold Jet.

Describing the last 12 months of a journey, Clarkson told gasworldTV that this isn’t the first time the industrial gas industry has pivoted the way it operates, and it certainly won’t be the last.

“I think we can all agree the last 12 months have certainty been a journey. A journey that begun with industrial dry ice operations making a key pivot from their traditional market channels, to a mission critical industry to fulfil a vital role in vaccine transportation and storage,” she said.

A provider of carbon dioxide (CO2) safety monitors, Analox has worked shoulder to shoulder with professionals in the industrial gas industry, particularly in CO2, from capture to purification to distribution in liquid and solid dry ice form.

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