
Cummins joins Hydrogen Council


Cummins has joined the Hydrogen Council, a global coalition exploring and promoting hydrogen (H2) as a clean energy source to help meet the world’s climate challenges.

The US company that designs, manufactures and distributes engines, filtration and power generation products, is one of eight new members joining the council’s steering committee, the group announced last month in Brussels, Belgium. An additional six entities joined as supporting level members.

“Over the last 18 months we have brought together a critical mass of members, laid out a clear path forward to realise a global scale up of H2 in our ‘Hydrogen, Scaling Up’ study and fostered new actions with governments around the world,” said Dr. Woong-Chul Yang, Vice Chairman of the Hyundai Motor Company and co-chair of the Hydrogen Council. “There is more to come – look out for more exciting announcements from the council as we come together during the Global Climate Action Summit next week.”

The announcement is the latest development in Cummins’ efforts to explore and support the use of low-carbon energy sources to help address global climate challenges.

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