
Element 1 Corp signs Strategic Agreement with Anderson Industries


Element 1 Corp (e1), developer of hydrogen (H2) generation technology, has partnered with Anderson Industries (Anderson) LLC, of Mapleton, North Dakota to develop and commercialise a fuel-cell-powered industrial flameless heater system.

The integrated systems will incorporate a H2 generator, based on e1’s patented technology which converts a mixture of methanol and water into high-purity H2 which is then used by a fuel cell to generate electricity for the flameless heater.

The market for flameless heaters is substantial. They are used to provide heat for remote oil and gas installations in Alaska, North Dakota, and northern Canada, and typically operate continuously during the long and very cold winter months. Traditionally, flameless heaters have used diesel engines connected to flameless heater technology to provide heat to support oil field operations. However, internal combustion engines are noisy, require frequent and expensive maintenance, and have become highly regulated to comply with current emissions standards. In the Oil & Gas market there is a strong demand for a clean, low-maintenance solution that can operate in an extreme cold environment.

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