Energy Independence Now (EIN), in collaboration with The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation and The California Hydrogen Business Council (CHBC), has released a roadmap outlining key strategies to promote renewable hydrogen (H2) production that will help California, US, achieve its clean energy and clean transportation goals.
On the heels of Governor Jerry Brown’s recent call for five million zero-emission vehicles by 2030 and 200 H2 stations by 2025, EIN’s Renewable Hydrogen Roadmap provides the blueprint to achieve these ambitious efforts in the cleanest possible manner.
Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) and renewable fuel are vital components of California’s zero-emission future. This Roadmap explores the most cost-effective and scalable production technologies and feedstocks, such as renewable electricity or biogas, to present viable pathways for industry, government and consumers.
The Renewable Hydrogen Roadmap’s key proposals include: increasing financial support and market-building mechanisms to catalyse the development of renewable H2 production at scale, creating state and federal policies that support the vision of renewable H2 and the pathways to develop and scale renewable H2 deployment and educating policymakers, stakeholders and the public about the benefits of scalable renewable H2 production, which will accelerate the adoption and deployment of renewable electricity and clean, zero-emission transportation fuels.
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