
Gas Sensing Solutions adds I2c interface to its low power CO2 sensor


The internet of things (IoT) is creating multiple application opportunities to create smart environments where sensors are needed to monitor temperatures and carbon dioxide levels to ensure the optimal conditionals are maintained with the minimum energy expenditure.

Up until now CO2 sensors have required mains power to operate. Gas Sensing Solutions (GSS) has overcome this issue with its new low power, LED-based sensor technology.

The sensor’s power requirements are so low that wireless monitors can be built to measure CO2 levels as well as temperature and humidity with a battery life of over ten years. The wireless feature means the sensor can be placed anywhere with no cabling needed.

GSS has added an I2C interface to its vert low power CO2 sensor, the CozIR®-LP. The I2C interface makes the integration of the sensor into a design very easy. The CozIR®-LP is the lowest power CO2 sensor available requiring only 3mW (up to 50 times lower than typical NDIR CO2 sensors).

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