
Gas World doubles oxygen production with new ASU


Sri Lanka-based medical and industrial gas provider Gas World Ltd, subsidiary of Industrial Gases Pvt Ltd, has boosted its oxygen production capacity to almost 38 tonnes per day following the commission of another air separation unit (ASU) plant, The Island Online reports.

The plant, long delayed by the outbreak of Covid-19, comes at a time when medical oxygen is most needed by those suffering from the virus.

Speaking on the commissioning of the plant, Sumith Guruge, Chairman, Industrial Gases Ltd and Gas World Ltd, said that this was a part of the company’s normal capacity expansion based on pre Covid-19 economic conditions.

He continued, “Fortunately, this plant was commissioned in April 2021 enabling local production capacity to meet the bulk of the Sri Lanka’s health sector needs during the early days of the third wave of Covid-19.”

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