
International companies join forces to fuel buses and cars with hydrogen


Next year, buses in the Rennerod, Germany (north of Frankfurt), will be powered by an advanced, environmentally friendly hydrogen (H2) energy system designed and implemented by an international team of companies using technology that is now commercially available.

Denmark’s GreenHydrogen, Spain’s Clantech and Calvera, and Rennerod-based Gesellschaft für Windenergieanlagen GmbH (GFW) & Co KG have devised a solution that makes H2 production green and local to minimise environmental impact and expense.

GFW, which provides electrical power from wind turbine farms, will produce H2 fuel using advanced alkaline electrolysers from GreenHydrogen, which convert electricity into H2, at two different locations.

One electrolyser will be placed next to an existing Fuhrländer FL1000 wind turbine. It will produce green H2 when the wind is blowing rather than selling it to the grid. The clean H2 then will be compressed using a Clantech containerised solution, compressing the H2 to 300 bar before it is stored in a ’H2Pod Virtual Pipe Line’ from Calvera.

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