
InterTech offers alternative to mechanical syringes


The new MicroPulse from InterTech has just been released onto the market. The patented device can be used as an alternative to mechanical syringes in applications which require controlled pulses of gases; these include nanotechnology, scientific instrumentation, semiconductor manufacture, polymer and composites engineering and instrument calibration among other uses.
InterTech has been operational since 1973 and offers the sector patented technology to address testing needs. The instrument uses an 8-bit digital interface with a plc, or other external controller, to monitor and direct the required flow during the pulse period. Users are able to pre-set flow direction, either inward or outward, using two links in the circuit board. Meanwhile another link determines either volume-flow (in cc/min) or mass-flow (standard cc/min) pulses over a wide pressure range.
The actual gas flow is produced by precise thermal control of the rate of temperature change in a specially designed miniature heat exchanger cell. Aesthetically the MicroPulse is compact in size, measuring 145x52x35mm. Meanwhile the flow pulse is up to 1.75 scc/min at STP. The new release boasts an optimal accuracy of 0.1% in ideal conditions. Nevertheless, in industrial plant conditions the flow accuracy is still in excess of 1%.
The lack of moving parts and pneumatic valves eliminates sticking and wear. Similarly, there are no small gaps or orifices to be cleaned. Other advantages include no compressed-air source, while multiple flow values can be produced in quick succession, as required by application.

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