
Linde California wins responsible care seal of approval


Linde North America’s Sacramento ASU facility recently won the American Chemistry Council’s Responsible Care® seal of certification.
Warren Arenz, Head of Safety, Health, Environment and Quality for Linde North America, commented, “All the people at our Sacramento plant worked very hard for this certification, which falls right in line with our goals as a high performance organization. Certification of the Sacramento plant demonstrates the employees’ total involvement in Linde’s commitment to sustaining the practices specified in the Responsible Care management system.”
Awards are distributed through the American Chemical Council (ACC), which overseas producers, manufacturers and suppliers of chemical products. The award marks the second Linde headquarters to receive certification this year after the company’s headquarters in Murray Hill re-qualified for Responsible Care Certification. Since 2008, 15 Linde North America plants have been certified under the program. The company expects two more manufacturing locations to receive certification before the year end.
The Sacramento site is an established facility, having been operational for 28 years. Every day the facility produces 300 tons-per-day of oxygen, nitrogen and crude argon. Gases are transported to a variety of end-users in California and Nevada.
Steve Morgan, Sacramento Area Supplier Manager for Linde North America, remarked, ““We are committed to all the concepts that are included in the Responsible Care initiative and are dedicated to implementing the very comprehensive program that Linde has accepted,”
Morgan added, “The contributions by everyone involved in this effort cannot be overstated. This achievement underscores our employees’ daily commitment to excellence and continued improvement.”
Responsible Care is a globally recognized management system aimed at helping companies improve safety, health, environment and security. Certification is mandatory for all ACC member companies, which must undergo headquarter and facility audits by an independent, accredited auditor to verify that they have a structure and system in place that manages and measures performance. Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance (LRQA) is Linde’s independent auditor.

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