
Linde Canada introduces portable gas detectors for use in confined spaces in industrial operations


Linde Canada has introduced the G-TECTA™ line of portable gas detection instruments, designed for easy use and maximum protection against hazardous working conditions.

The new line is perfectly suited for people working in confined spaces in industries such as construction, welding, manufacturing, petrochemicals and oil refining.

The G-TECTA gas detectors from Linde are light enough and small enough to be affixed to a shirt or collar via an alligator clip. The multi-gas instruments have upward facing displays to maximise visual awareness of unsafe gas levels in confined spaces.

They are also equipped with alarm systems for audible and visual detection of hazardous conditions. The instruments are certified to meet all Canadian Safety Associations standards and all global safety standards; they are suitable for use in potentially noxious or explosive areas, as well as areas where oxygen displacement could be a potential problem.

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