
Linde scores double ASU contract in China


Linde has won a bid to build two industrial-scale air separation units (ASU) for the Chinese steel manufacturer, TISCO.
Taiyuan Iron & Steel Company Limited (TISCO) has contracted Linde to build two ASU’s at its Taiyuan site in the northern province of Shanxi in China. The total project amounts to €100m investment and is planned to be executed and managed on a 50:50 basis between the two companies.
Linde has expressed enthusiasm in the ongoing partnership between the two firms. Dr Aldo Belloni, Member of the Executive Board of Linde AG, commented, $quot;This investment builds on the successful collaboration already established between both companies in air separation. Since the BOC-TISCO Gases joint venture was founded in 1996, we have been jointly meeting the entire gas needs of the Taiyuan site.”
“We are of course delighted to add two new state-of-the-art air separation units to the existing infrastructure. This new on-site deal not only underscores our leading position in the Chinese gases market, it also provides proof of concept for our focused growth strategy in emerging markets.”
The facilities are to be constructed by Linde’s Engineering Division and will offer an hourly capacity of 60,000 Nm³/h of gaseous oxygen per plant. Consequently, they will constitute the largest and most modern ASUs in China. The new air separators will provide the steelworks with a more energy efficient flow of gaseous oxygen and eventually double oxygen capacity from around 110,000 Nm³/h to 220,000 Nm³/h.
TISCO is one of the world’s largest stainless steel producers and supplies over 30 different regions and countries. Its operation in Taiyuan is one of the world’s largest integrated industrial complexes.

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