
Linde to supply specialty gases for ultra pure silicon wafer production at Topsil


Linde Gases has announced a new contract with Topsil, a leading Danish provider of silicon wafers for semiconductors. Linde will supply high purity specialty gases critical to the manufacture of Topsil’s ultra-pure silicon wafers.

Linde was selected as the preferred supplier, as the company was able to offer a highly integrated end-to-end solution combining both specialty gas supply and specialty equipment installation.

Implementation will be at Topsil’s green-field plant at Copenhagen’s new CleanTech Park and is expected to be complete by March 2012.

As part of the integrated solution, Linde will supply high purity argon and nitrogen which will be used to grow the silicon crystals in order to produce ultra-thin silicon wafers, plus electronic gases phosphine and diborane – essential to help create a silicon wafer free from any impurities.

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