
Linde’s REMEO rolled out to paediatric facilities


Linde RSS, affiliated with The Linde Group, has won a contract to provide respiratory care services to paediatric residents at St Margaret’s Centre in Albany, New York.
The agreement forms an extension of the Linde REMEO® respiratory service, which has traditionally been offered to adults. It also follows behind St Margaret’s decision to expand its current facility to offer a greater paediatric service.
St Margaret’s began as a home for abandoned children 127 years ago, it now provides services to residents with specific physical, mental and emotional needs throughout New York State. Its capacity recently increased to 94 residents.
Linde is set to provide a turn-key respiratory solution that includes therapists, gases and equipment that are included in the company’s REMEO® program for the care of mechanically ventilated patients. The staff at the facilty work in co-ordination with Linde to provide specialised, 24 hour care.
Beth Barends, Executive Director for St Margaret’s, commented, “Linde impressed us with their clinical focus and comprehensive respiratory therapy offering.” She continued, “They have decades of experience delivering a variety of high quality respiratory care solutions to patients of all ages, and we are pleased that our residents will now have the opportunity to benefit from their expertise.”
Linde RSS, has headquarters in Livingston, Tennesse and provides REMEO® respiratory care services and equipment in a variety of settings, including sub-acute ventilator care facilities, skilled nursing facilities and patients’ home. Remeo means, ‘I return home’ in Latin.
Gene Gantt, REMEO® business development manager, responded, “We’re excited and proud that St Margaret’s selected Linde RSS as its paediatric respiratory provider. Our program is a perfect fit for the comprehensive paediatric services St Margaret’s delivers to its residents.”

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