
Lockhouse: A Virtual Neck Ring for Cylinders


As highlighted in the April issue of gasworld, cylinder tracking is vital to keep track of a company’s prized assets – assets, which by default, are designed to be portable and provide a specific industrial gas.

But forget Electronic Product Code/Radio Frequency Identification (EPC/RFID) tagging as the answer to protecting cylinders from becoming another product ‘lost’ in the supply chain. The cost and complications of RFID technology as it stands may be insurmountable for most industries. Instead, Lockhouse intends to use the devices already in everyone’s pockets to find and recover lost assets, as well as deliver critical information to end users.

Cassie Glessner, Marketing and Strategy said, “The founder of TrackAbout and Lockhouse, Jim Glessner, was on a trade tour overseas a couple years ago and met several international gas industry distributors who wanted a system that helps find assets when they get lost or stolen – i.e., fall outside the traditional tracking system grid. That’s when the idea for Lockhouse was born.”

“The idea expanded to take into consideration other pain points for industry manufacturers and owners that were also not being addressed – such as how to send and receive critical information about assets to and from end users – again, those outside the traditional tracking system grid.”

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