
Messer forges on in Germany


Family-owned, Messer GmbH, has been supplying Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH, the Firm’s largest European production facility since August.
Salzgitter AG, is among Messer’s largest customers and Messer has invested around €50m in the construction of a new on-site air separation unit (ASU).
The facility produces 28,000 standard cubic metres of gaseous oxygen from pure air for use in steel manufacturing, while a further 36,000 standard cubic metres of oxygen per hour can be supplied to the steelworks. Furthermore Messer supplies the local market with by-product oxygen, nitrogen and argon from the same ASU.
Due to the integrated gas liquefier, the new ASU consumes 5% less electricity than conventional ASUs. Messer’s entire production process at the site has been officially certified, while the Company hopes that the influx of industrial gases will enhance job and business opportunities within the nearby region.
Messer is one of the few remaining family own and run industrial gases companies and has recently re-integrated itself into the German market. In May 2008 the Firm, run by Stefan Messer, re-entered the German market as an industrial gases supplier.

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