
MOCON ‘bundles’ permeation units for easy entry


MOCON, Inc. has now made it easier for companies to add both oxygen and water vapour permeation testing capability in-house at an effective price point.

As one of the world’s leading manufacturers of permeation instrumentation, the company is ‘bundling’ two of its entry-level, stand alone, transmission rate units to enable a more cost-effective entry.

MOCON’s well-known OX-TRAN® Model 1/50 for oxygen and PERMATRAN-W® Model 1/50 for water vapour testing are part of this programme. (The entry-level package promotion applies to one of each unit or two of the same model.)

The promotion is ideal for food, beverage, pharmaceutical and other companies who have a need to verify the barrier properties of their packaging materials. The dual system offering is also suitable for educational or research institutes who may wish to have on-site access to instruments for teaching or training purposes.

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