
New safety product from Dräger


Dräger Marine & Offshore, part of The Dräger Group, is cementing its position as a leading provider of safety solutions, from training and product supply to asset management, service and maintenance on and off-shore. 

Safety remains one of the top priorities for the Health and Safety Executive’s Offshore Division, due to the diverse nature of hazardous environments encountered by workers offshore, such as confined spaces.

The OXY K escape device can be used in confined spaces when workers need immediate protection against potentially deadly environments. Whether it’s smoke, toxic gases, a lack of oxygen, or where there is a mixture of hydrocarbons and air, the device offers workers a vital lifeline in order to escape.

The user can see by looking at the colour of the service indicator whether the device, which is around the same size as a small canister, is ready to use. It can be carried via a shoulder strap and activated via a quick-start mechanism. The equipment delivers a 30-minute supply of instant chemically-generated oxygen.

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