
Orange County expands California’s zero-emission footprint with another 10 hydrogen fuel cell buses


New Flyer of America Inc., the US subsidiary of New Flyer Industries Inc., the largest transit bus and motor coach manufacturer and parts distributor in North America, has been awarded a contract for 10 Xcelsior® hydrogen (H2) fuel cell electric, 40ft, heavy-duty transit buses from the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA).

The new order helps expand the zero-emission footprint of public transportation across California and adds sustainability to OCTA’s current fleet of just over 500 buses, which will serve communities throughout Anaheim, Garden Grove, Orange, Santa Ana, and Westminster.

OCTA and New Flyer are partners in the Fuel Cell Electric Bus Commercialisation Consortium (FCEBCC) project. This project is sponsored by a grant from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and is supported by the California Climate Investments (CCI) programme. CCI is a state-wide project that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment, particularly in disadvantaged communities. Additional funding for the project comes from OCTA and the South Coast Air Quality Management District. The FCEBCC project is managed by the non-profit Centre for Transportation and the Environment (CTE).

“New Flyer is proud to support the Orange County Transportation Authority in developing its fleet of zero-emission buses that help preserve the environment in California,” said Wayne Joseph, President of New Flyer of America. “We remain committed to building sustainable transportation across America through advanced innovation and industry collaboration, and to supporting California in its pursuit of zero-emission transportation.”

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