
Plans confirmed for UK hydrogen trains


Alstom confirms plans to bring its world leading hydrogen (H2) technology to trains in the UK.

The company is working with Eversholt Rail ‎on plans to convert Class 321 electric trains to H2 operation, fitting H2 tanks and fuel cells to upcycle trains that are some of the best proven on the network into Britain’s most advanced rolling stock. This is the first substantive industry response to the Government’s challenge to remove diesel rolling stock by 2040.

Nick Crossfield, Managing Director, Alstom UK & Ireland, commented, “The potential for H2 trains is enormous. The Government has set a clear objective of removing diesel rolling stock by 2040 and this requires a bold and innovative response from the industry. I am very proud that, working with Eversholt Rail, we are able to take the lead in that respect.

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