
Praxair starts-up Tennessee ASU


Praxair, Inc. has announced the start-up of its new 600 tons per day air separation unit in Memphis, Tennessee, expanding the company’s ability to supply gaseous and liquid oxygen, nitrogen and argon to customers across the southeastern US.

Praxair operates multiple plants and pipelines throughout the region that serve numerous industrial gas customers, including Nucor Steel Memphis and the Valero Memphis Refinery.

Using state-of-the-art technology, energy efficient processes and argon recovery, the facility will serve liquid-product customers, including the region’s growing automotive industry.

“Our new investment strengthens Praxair’s position as a leading supplier of industrial gases and will support our growing business in the region,” said Jeff Barnhard, East Region Vice-President for Praxair’s US Industrial Gases. “The plant will further enable Praxair to serve the full spectrum of customer needs, from cylinder gases to bulk and on-site gases.”

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