
Praxair to support Varian’s ion implant platform with advanced gas delivery system


Praxair Electronics’ UpTime® sub-atmospheric dopant gas delivery system has been selected to be the factory default standard for Applied Materials’ flagship Varian VIISta® ion implant platform.

Ion implantation is a process used in the fabrication of microchips in which ions, created from highly specialised gases, are accelerated and implanted into silicon wafers to modify the properties of a film.

With over 1,500 tools installed worldwide, the VIISta system from Varian is the industry’s leading ion implant platform.

“We are pleased to offer customers Praxair’s UpTime system on our VIISta platform,” said Matt Gaucher, General Manager of high current implantation at Varian Semiconductor Equipment, a division of Applied Materials, Inc.

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