
ProcessMonitor launches M844


The M844 is a robust, ultra-low power Data Acquisition & Communication Module. This completely autonomous monitoring and data logging solution is independent from local infrastructures, using GSM/GPRS communications and solar panel, battery or AC/DC power options.

For a one stop shop solution, ProcessMonitor uses a level sensor from Fluidwell Instruments which can even be powered by the solar powered M844. This combination added to the GSM/GPRS communications results in an extremely suitable solution for off-grid locations.

“The M844 is capable of accepting an impressive number of sensor inputs, communication inputs and data outputs,” says Ronald Zijdel, Managing Director of ProcessMonitor in the Netherlands. “The unit has four digital and four analog 4-20mA inputs. With the mains powered version, the analog inputs are galvanically isolated to eliminate the risk of interference with your existing cabling and systems. The digital inputs contain three status/counter/pulse inputs and one coil input for e.g. a flow meter or rain gauge. The sensor inputs can be easily expanded through the on board RS232 and RS485 communication ports, which supports e.g. serial communication, Modbus and the SDI-12 protocol. Sensors and two-wire instruments can be powered by the M844, so no additional signal converters/amplifiers, encapsulating cabinet or other electrical installation material are necessary.”

The M844 has flexible freedom in data communication by TCP, FTP and/or e-mail. Alerts and alarms can also be sent by SMS and can activate the adjustable logging frequency. Internal diagnostics sends alarm messages, battery capacity, temperature and GSM signal strength. Total control can be gained through the fully integrated ProcessMonitor web-portal or the ProcessView stand-alone software package for visualization, data history, trend graphics and/or extensive alarming.

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