
Servomex launches new gas analyser


Servomex, the world leader in gas analysis has launched the SERVOPRO NanoChrome, revolutionising ultra-trace purity measurements for UHP gases by incorporating the latest advances in gas sensing technology and signal processing methodology.

Designed specifically for the measurement of contaminant gases and hydrocarbons that can be present at ultra-trace levels in semiconductor manufacture, the NanoChrome delivers a superb and stable sub-ppb measurement for H2, CH4, CO, CO2 and NMHC in a range of common background gases including He, H2, N2, Ar and O2. The result is an analyser that offers not only numerous measurement and performance advantages over traditional Flame Ignition Detector (FID) and Reduction Gas Detection (RGD) technologies, but delivers substantive cost and safety benefits not previously available to customers that rely on the highest possible gas purities to maintain product quality.

The NanoChrome delivers exceptional low detection limits through an innovative high-sensitivity Plasma Emission Detector (PED) specially developed by Servomex.  Already field proven through ultra-trace measurements of argon and nitrogen, the extended measurement wavelength enables the enhanced PED to include measurements for H2, CH4, CO and CO2, as well as a direct hydrocarbon measurement with no need for a methaniser. As there is no requirement for a flammable fuel gas, the Servomex PED sensor also enhances safety and lowers operational costs.

The analytical sensitivity and reliability of the NanoChrome is enhanced by advanced signal recovery, utilising specially developed adaptive chromatographic filtering methods and ProPeak peak detection techniques for a more sensitive and selective measurement than previously available for UHP gases. By utilising a Direct Analysis Methodology, the NanoChrome removes the doubt associated with measurements made by FID and RGD measurements with the certainty of exceptional measurement accuracy.

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