
Siemens launches new gasifier


Siemens Energy is adding a new high-performance model, the SFG-850, to its range of entrained-flow gasifiers.

The SFG-850 is designed to enhance the profitability of future gasification plants by reducing specific plant costs, along with the associated production costs of synthesis gas.

An SFG-850 gasifier can convert around 3,000 metric tonnes of coal per day into more than 5 million standard cubic metres (Nm3) of high-quality synthesis gas. The SFG-850 was introduced to the market at the end of March 2014.

With a length of 22 metres, an outer diameter of 4.8 metres and weighing in at 380 metric tonnes, the SFG-850 gasifier is among the world’s largest and most economic entrained flow gasifiers. The new model can be completely fabricated and tested at the factory. Despite its size and weight, the unit can be transported to its installation location in one piece eliminating the time and expense of field fabrication.

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