
Sierra introduces chlorine measurement breakthrough at an economical price


Sierra Instruments has apparently delivered an economical solution to one of the industry’s ‘great challenges’, with the launch of its new Chlorine-Trak™ 760S Thermal Mass Flow Meter.

The new product has been specifically designed to perform as an accurate and cost-effective mass flow measurement solution for chlorine injection processes found in typical wastewater treatment applications.

Given the corrosive nature of chlorine gas (particularly in the presence of moisture), finding an economical measurement solution has posed a great challenge to the industry, Sierra explains.

To answer this challenge, Sierra has designed a flow body manufactured from Kynar® polyvinylidene fluoride resin (PVDF). This material offers excellent corrosion and chemical resistance at both ambient and elevated temperatures. PVDF is also inherently stable, mechanically tough, and abrasion and flame resistant.

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