
Spotlight on Africa – gasworld conference preview


Without a doubt the golden phrase for the industrial gases industry is ‘emerging markets’. Indeed, as readers will learn from this month’s hot topic, only just this August a leading global research firm, The Freedonia Group, highlighted quite how important developing regions would be in achieving the predicted annual sector growth of 8%.

During August, the future of the industrial gases industry hit mainstream global news, when market researchers predicted a sector surge fuelled by steady annual growth. Even more significant was the news that developing economies could be held responsible. In particular, research highlighted the importance of international jewels such as Africa and China.

It seems only apt then, that this same edition offers readers a preview of gasworld’s very own expedition into the heart of a key emerging region: Namely, ‘Realising the Growth Opportunity’ – The African Industrial Gases Conference 2010.

While you read this issue, the industrial gases conference will be well underway, you may even be one of the lucky delegates perusing this issue from the venue itself, perhaps while eagerly awaiting a key note speaker to take to the stage. In either case, we offer you a valuable vignette and backstage pass into ‘Realising the Growth Opportunity’s’ background and glittering line-up.

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