
Stefan Messer: A winning entrepreneur


Messer’s CEO and Owner, Stefan Messer, is soon to be rewarded for his entrepreneurial achievements when he wins the entrepreneurs’ award, “Focus for Excellence 2010”.
Every year the entrepreneurs’ association, Liberaler Mittelstand Hessen e.V., bestows the title to companies which present traditional values and exemplary entrepreneurship. According to the association this includes, “implemented sustainability as the basic understanding in dealing with people, processes and products, an exemplary business policy for developing products and services, or difficult market situations which have been overcome, and hands-on entrepreneurship”.

25 candidate companies from the federal state of Hesse were nominated. The jury consisted of representatives from business, politics and science, all of whom agreed that Stefan Messer was the prime candidate. In particular, adjudicators valued the targeted German investments from the Firm, the way he dealt with the financial crisis, longevity of the Company and his resolute cost-saving policy.

Stefan will receives the award from Hesse’s Minister for Economic Affairs, Dieter Posch, at an evening event of the ‘Mittelstandstag FrankfurtRheinMain’ in Frankfurt on 28th October 2010. Stefan Messer, responded, “I will accept the award for the entire Messer Group on behalf of all the employees.”

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