
Versatility is key to WITT’s new flashback arrestor line


Amidst this product-release fuelled week, the German firm WITT-GASETECHNIK has joined the furore by introducing the largest range of flashback arrestors to the industry.
The new line of arrestors are made from stainless steel and designed for point of use applications. The range is particularly broad containing various different models and connections, these include:
• Model RF 85-10 N-ES in π” NPT and VCR
• Model F- 100 17 N-ES in ∏” NPT
• Model RF 85-30 N-ES in ≤” and 1” NPT
• And high pressure rating devices: Models RF 85-10 and RF 85-30 rated to 150PSI, while Model F 100-ES is rated to 250 PSI
Other advantageous features include non-return valves, temperature sensitive cut-off valves and flame arrestors.
WITT was founded in 1945 by Paul Witt and currently exports more than 70% of production to over 60 countries worldwide.

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