
Witt Gas provides electronic gas mixer for deep sea diving vessel

A specially electronic gas mixer ordered by Bibby Offshore Limited from Witt Gas Techniques Ltd, has been installed on their new diving/construction support vessel DSV Bibby Sapphire.

This gas mixer is a stationary system that will be used to mix oxygen with heliox, the breathing gas made from oxygen and helium, used by deep sea divers working at depths up to 300 meters. It will mix the correct percentage (user defined) of oxygen and heliox for the required depth; the deeper the depth the less oxygen is required in the gas.

It has two gas inlets, one of which is oxygen and the other heliox. From the inlets it will mix the heliox with the required oxygen content. It has a built in oxygen gas analyser to monitor the oxygen levels in the mixture, whilst pressure switches monitor the gas supply pressure. A touch screen control is used to input the correct mixtures. From the mixer the gas goes to a compressor and onto the storage tubes for use by the divers.

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