
World’s smallest steam turbine developed


Dutch R&D company Green Turbine has created the world’s smallest steam turbine, for those requiring a smaller power output – with an electrical output of 1.4kWe.

The model has been on the market for two years now and has great potential for being used in smaller applications such as biomass run systems or automobiles.

Eefje Post, account manager at Green Turbine explains, “Turbines of this size had previously not been on the market, which makes our product unique. The turbine is being sold as a ‘building block’ to system integrators who can develop complete applications with it. At a time like this, when energy conservation is high on the agenda, we’ve noticed that steam turbines are once more becoming relevant. What also makes them contemporary is that any fuel type can be used to power the turbine, for example, (bio) gas, solar concentrators, diesel engines, gas turbines etc. This makes them widely applicable for a variety of industries, from the agriculture sector and biomass industries to the construction, shipping and automobile industry.”

In addition to interest of the above mentioned markets, the Green Turbine 1.4 kW is currently also being sold to universities and colleges around the world. “Due to the small weight and compact size of Green Turbine (it is the size of an American football), the turbine is well suited for students to gain learning experience in the field of steam turbines,” explains Eefje.

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