Over 1,100 leading manufacturers and 25,000 attendees will converge at the Las Vegas Convention Center for FABTECH 2012 from November 12–14. The action-packed, three-day event is a convenient one-stop shop to source the best products...
Over 1,100 leading manufacturers and 25,000 attendees will converge at the Las Vegas Convention Center for FABTECH 2012 from November 12–14. The action-packed, three-day event is a convenient one-stop shop to source the best products...
There is a buzz in the transportation sector and it’s all about natural gas (NG). The industrial gas business, and its related production, distribution, and applications businesses, develop, design, and build equipment directly applicable to compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied...
Cryogenic hauler GenOx Transportation Inc. (genoxtransportation.com) operates in one of the smallest niches within the tank truck industry. However, that doesn’t mean the management team has small dreams and goals. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Launched 10 years ago,...
Customers, distributors, and gas manufacturers all want it. So do regulatory authorities and local emergency responders. “It” is a reliable and simple tool for keeping track of cylinders (and other gas containers). Every reader here already knows about many of...
Over the last 12 months the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been stepping up their audit activity, including at medical gas facilities. B&R Compliance (br compliance.com) offers clients an analysis of the kinds of questions FDA inspectors are asking,...
In this, the seventh article in a series on Continuous Improvement as a key business strategy, the authors look at how eliminating waste in the workplace positions a successful company for greater achievements, efficiencies, and productivity. Gas and Supply (gasandsupply.com), headquartered...
On June 28th, 2012, the United States Supreme Court decided in a 5 to 4 decision that The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was constitutional. At the heart of that decision was the individual mandate— the requirement that...
Stories about high unemployment permeate news reports, so you’d think companies looking for help would have no trouble at all finding people to fill their open positions. Unfortunately, as many companies know, that isn’t necessarily the case....
Zeus Intelligence (zeusintel.com), a service division of Zeus Development Corporation, organized and led an LNG-Fueled Drilling & Fracturing seminar in Houston on June 14. Seminar sponsors were INOXCVA (inoxcva. com) and ABB (abb.com). The all-day event was attended by 74 liquid...
In business, you have to be more competitive than ever to survive. For distributors, the question often arises: “How do I differentiate my business, especially in distribution costs, when my competitors and I have similar vehicles, fuel costs, and drivers,...