
America - North

Subscriber-Only Carbon Negative Power Plants

Global Thermostat LLC (GT) (www.global thermostat.com) was formed in 2006 to develop and commercialize a unique technology for the direct capture of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and other sources. The GT process “co-generates” carbon capture with other industrial processes—such as power...

Subscriber-Only PITTCON 2011

Airgas, Inc. demonstrated its new StatusChecker™ remote monitoring system for analytical and life science laboratories. Airgas StatusChecker uses contact points to monitor for pressure, weight, and whether doors, such as freezer doors, are opened or closed. StatusChecker is designed to work...


In the United States today, there are approximately 189 ethanol plants. CryoGas International estimates that about 25 percent of these recover CO2. (See “US Carbon Dioxide Market Report,” on p. 24 of this issue.) Ethanol plant development in the US had been growing steadily...

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