THE HARRIS PRODUCTS GROUP The Harris Products Group launched several new products at FABTECH this year, with a focus on innovative products for the cost conscious consumer and for the distributor who is trying to minimize inventory investment. Harris is...
The industrial gases industry could not be called a glamorous industry by any stretch of the imagination. It is safe to say workplace discussions around the water cooler are more apt to fall on innovative hydrogen fuel cells rather than...
CryoGas International (CryoGas): Alan, thank you for agreeing to discuss Linde’s Merchant and Packaged Gas Business with us. Can you tell us what your business unit includes and its functions within Linde’s worldwide industrial gas markets and regions. Alan Watkins (Watkins): First,...
Hydrogen chloride (HCl), an important specialty gas, forms hydrochloric acid, a highly corrosive mineral acid, when it comes in contact with water. HCl is also known as Anhydrous Hydrogen Chloride (AHCl) — meaning water-free.
Zero emissions is the end game that everyone is after. To be able to drive a vehicle that emits no pollutants may not have seemed realistic a few decades ago, but with the continued development of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles,...
There are several twists and turns in the road to getting installation of components for vacuum jacketed applications “right.”
Gas & Air Systems ( engineers, packages, sells, and supports high quality industrial, specialty, and process gas compressors and compressor systems including Howden Burton Corblin and other fine compressors.
Coal-fired power plants play an important role in providing energy at low prices. The reality is that coal is abundant, efficient, and less expensive than most other energy options and will remain an important part of our energy future.
Many of you probably remember the old Midas commercials where the mechanic says to a distraught looking customer, “You can pay me now … or you can pay me later,” suggesting to the customer that deferring the current repairs will...