In October, after being closed for repairs for nearly a year, the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will start-up again and the search for the smallest known particles in the universe will resume (see “Particles Complete First Circuit at CERN,” CGI, October...
This report, our fourth in a series of articles on activity based business analysis and performance for US gases and welding distributors, examines distribution costs and improving distribution efficiency through Activity Based Costing (ABC).
Manufacturing and selling highpurity specialty gases requires complex resources and represents a significant investment for industrial gas distributors.
Made possible by ever-changing and emerging technologies, our industry is constantly looking for ways to create innovative products based on new materials and fresh ways of thinking.
As the economy slows down so does the demand for rare gases. During the last 12 months demand for xenon (Xe) declined almost 40 percent and demand for krypton (Kr) fell by about 30 percent.
A range of new uses for the noble gas xenon has boosted its profile along with its demand at a time when supplies have been crimped thanks to the ongoing economic recession. With that in mind, users are paying more...
Laboratory gases will always play a significant role in the everyday life of anyone working in any lab. A gas chromatograph (GC) or a mass spectrometer (MS) is just a sizable paperweight without gases.
The 2009 National Hydrogen Conference and Expo was held in Columbia, SC from March 31 – April 3. Speakers and presenters from around the world converged in the capital city of a state known for its proactive legislation and support...
Aging acetylene cylinders have long been a headache for distributor operations managers and compliance personnel. Their unique composition and the volatility of their contents require that they be handled with the utmost care throughout their lifespan.