BESIX Canada to build an LNG terminal in British Columbia
BESIX Canada, together with its joint venture partner Vancouver Pile Driving (Vanpile), will build an LNG export facility in Kitimat, in the North Coast region of British Columbia, Canada.
BESIX Canada, together with its joint venture partner Vancouver Pile Driving (Vanpile), will build an LNG export facility in Kitimat, in the North Coast region of British Columbia, Canada.
Ballard Power Systems has released its consolidated financial results for the second quarter (Q2) ended 30th June 2019.
To help improve the carbon efficiency of its cements, LafargeHolcim a Switzerland-based building materials and solutions company, has launched a new carbon capture project in Canada.
Royal Helium Ltd. is set to step up its helium exploration programme in Saskatchewan, Canada, and is in talks with “several” major companies to be a processing partner.
Air Liquide and Shell Chemicals have signed renewal contracts for the supply of oxygen, nitrogen, steam and electricity to Shell’s Scotford facility near Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada.
“This is a very exciting time for hydrogen and fuel cell power adoption around the world,” Andy Marsh, Plug Power CEO tells gasworld in an exclusive interview.
FortisBC will produce liquefied natural gas (LNG) for export to China as part of Canada’s first long-term supply agreement, the British Columbia-based utility said yesterday.
Steamatic, a South Carolina-based restoration and cleaning franchise, has signed on as an official launch customer and early adopter of the IceStorm45, Coulson IceBlast’s latest innovation.
Vancouver-based Coulson Ice Blast has released its next generation of dry ice cleaning technology, the IceStorm 45.
ITM Power, a UK-based energy storage and clean fuel company, has announced the completion of a techno-economic feasibility study for large scale production of renewable hydrogen in British Columbia (BC).