

Video: Uses for CO2 in Europe using CCUS

Torsten Porwol, Managing Director at CO2 Management AS discusses the the uses for CO2 in Europe using carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) on gasworld’s, CO2: Utilisation and Innovation, webinar.

Video: “45Q will undoubtably drive up prices even further”

Jeff Holyoak, Vice President, Sales & Market Development, at TOMCO Systems discusses 45Q and gives his take on the statement “45Q will undoubtably drive up prices even further” on gasworld’s, CO2: Utilisation and Innovation, webinar.

Video: What is 45Q?

Jeff Holyoak, Vice President, Sales & Market Development, at TOMCO Systems discusses the latest tax credit on offer in the USA to encourage companies to capture carbon dioxide on gasworld’s, CO2: Utilisation and Innovation, webinar.

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