

Subscriber-Only Relationship Management

Moving industrial gas products from the supplier to the distributor to the end user is a complex operation. In a recent poll of industrial gas companies conducted by the Gases and Welding Distributor Association (GAWDA), results indicated that many communication protocols...

Subscriber-Only The Project Morpheus Lander

NASA’s Johnson Space Center’s (JSC) Mission Control in Houston, TX, takes control of a mission as soon as a spacecraft is launched from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. But Houston, also known as Space City, has not fired a rocket...

Subscriber-Only PITTCON 2011

Airgas, Inc. demonstrated its new StatusChecker™ remote monitoring system for analytical and life science laboratories. Airgas StatusChecker uses contact points to monitor for pressure, weight, and whether doors, such as freezer doors, are opened or closed. StatusChecker is designed to work...

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