Ever-growing consumption in electronics gases
From perceived to being in something of a demand lull 5+ years ago, the electronics gases business is firmly in vogue right now, as the further expansion of Air Products’ supply to Samsung demonstrates.
From perceived to being in something of a demand lull 5+ years ago, the electronics gases business is firmly in vogue right now, as the further expansion of Air Products’ supply to Samsung demonstrates.
It looks like healthcare and homecare could shape up to be a key theme for our industry in 2018.
Historically, one of the weakest links in the distributor sales process is a lack of good branding tools. I was reminded of this fact when a rep said he thought we were wasting time and...
This week I heard all of the following comments from one rep:
A while back, I wrote a column titled “If Looks Could Kill.” In it I noted that researchers have found that the three key elements of effective communication carry the following percentages of importance:
Early last week, I was a veritable bag of nerves as I anticipated stepping up to the gasworld stage for the first time to present to an audience of around 300 intelligent and inquisitive industrial gas...
An ecstatic rep came into my office to declare that he had just made the largest single sale of his career. His impressive negotiating skills had resulted in another significant signed contract. His jubilation was...
A sales manager was concerned. He had just finished a day with a sales rep whose vehicle was full of trash. Not surprisingly, there were other issues with this person’s sales credentials. What are the fundamentals...
A major manufacturer’s rep was telling me how thankful he was for the recent improvement in the economy. In the last quarter, he received requests from customers, traveled, and prepared quotes like never before. Interestingly, despite...
“We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline and effort.”