“Stop-go future” for CCS?
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is essential for the future of UK low-carbon electricity. So says the Energy and Climate Change Committee report on CCS, published today [Wednesday 21 May], and so says the UK...
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is essential for the future of UK low-carbon electricity. So says the Energy and Climate Change Committee report on CCS, published today [Wednesday 21 May], and so says the UK...
GDF Suez has signed a deal with Japanese utility Tohoku Electric Power to deliver 270,000mtpy of LNG over a 20-year period starting in 2018 from the planned Cameron LNG plant in the US, the French...
Afrox has invested R4 million to increase its storage and supply capacity of food grade carbon dioxide and liquid nitrogen to Wadeville based Coca-Cola Canners of Southern Africa.
SABIC has announced it will launch its first portfolio of certified renewable polyolefins, certified under the ISCC Plus certification scheme, which involves strict traceability and requires a chain of custody based on a mass balance...
BOC is showcasing SOLVOX®, its latest development in low and medium pressure oxygenation systems for fish farming at Aquaculture UK 2014.
The Dearman Engine Company is strengthening its team as it prepares for its liquid-air engine to begin on-vehicle testing, with the recruitment of Nick Owen to the position of Chief Technology Officer.
FS-Elliott Co., LLC announced today the release of the R1000, the newest addition to the Regulus® control system line.
The production of cement klinker and lime in rotary kilns is responsible for 10.7% of mercury emissions to air (3,337 kg) according to a recent study.
Airgas today announced it has signed a long-term agreement to build an air separation unit (ASU) to supply tonnage oxygen and nitrogen via pipeline to Westlake Vinyls, a Westlake company, at its expanded Calvert City,...
Today, Germany’s Minister of Economics and Technology, Sigmar Gabriel, together with representatives of power utility Stadtwerke Mainz, Siemens, The Linde Group and RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, gave the starting signal for the construction of...