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Video: Uses for CO2 in Europe using CCUS

Torsten Porwol, Managing Director at CO2 Management AS discusses the the uses for CO2 in Europe using carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) on gasworld’s, CO2: Utilisation and Innovation, webinar.

Video: Clean aviation fuel: Hydrogen vs biofuel vs synthetic fuel vs liquid ammonia

Stephen B. Harrison, Managing Director, at sbh4 Consulting discusses the pros and cons of all different types of fuel that could power the future of the aviation industry on gasworld’s, CO2: Utilisation and Innovation, webinar.

Video: How can eFuels catch up with hydrogen?

Stephen B. Harrison, Managing Director, at sbh4 Consulting discusses how eFuels or synthetic fuels can reach the heights that hydrogen has on gasworld’s, CO2: Utilisation and Innovation, webinar.

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