

Subscriber-Only Gas Masters to the rescue

In 2020, for over 38 consecutive weeks, Weldcoa’s Gas Masters Team remotely trained and shared industry specific concepts related to fill plant operations to over 2,200 unique registrants in 11 different countries. In total, Weldcoa delivered 70 live webinars between April and December last year. 

Subscriber-Only Blue hydrogen and CCUS

A growing number of national governments and energy companies, including Shell1, have announced net-zero-emission ambitions. Although renewable electricity is expanding rapidly, without  low-carbon hydrogen as a clean-burning, long-term storable, energy-dense fuel, a net-zero goal is...

Subscriber-Only The CO2 business in 2021

Here we are, deep into the Covid-19 infection, which has in some ways helped some industries and crippled others. When thinking of carbon dioxide (CO2) sources and activities this year, I projected growth among many...

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